“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” ~ Bern Williams
PUPPY VACCINE series protects against Distemper, Adenovirus, Lepotspirosis, Parainfluenze, Parvovirus, and Coronavirus (DACLPP) vaccination). Usually given at around 6, 9, 12, and 16 weeks. A DACLPP booster is given one year later.
RABIES vaccination is given with the last DHLPP-C. The first rabies vaccination is good for one year. Subsequent vaccines may protect for up to three years. Rabies vaccine is required by law and needed for licensing. State laws vary as to how often the vaccination should be given, so please check your state’s requirements.
INTRANASAL BORDETELLA vaccinations for dogs boarding at kennels or attending training classes or dog shows. One vaccine is given annually. This vaccine will also be given to adult dogs on a three year vaccine protocol due to the fact the three year DAP does not prevent upper air way viruses such as canine parainfluenza, in which the intranasal boosters.
LYME DISEASE vaccinations for dogs that are taken into the fields and forests where they may be exposed to ticks which carry the causative agent. An initial series of 2 vaccines given three weeks apart and then one vaccine is given annually. Ask your veterinarian if there are any other recommendations for your pet’s well-being.
There are several other vaccines that may be given to your new pet. Ask your vetereinarian what are other options and are there other vaccinations that can help protect your new family member!
HEARTWORMS are a blood parasite transmitted be an infected mosquito. If your puppy was born after mosquito season (November 1st or later) or is under 6 months in age, we do not require a heartworm test before starting preventative. We recommend heartworm preventative be given year-round due to its benefits in preventing/treating some intestinal parasites that are contagious to people.
Adult dogs on monthly preventative such as Interceptor, Multi or Heartgard should be tested once per year.
FECAL EXAM checks for intestinal parasites such as round worms, hook worms, coccidia, giardia and whip worms. During the puppy vaccine series two negative fecal parasite exams, three weeks apart, are recommended. We recommend at least an annual exam for adult dogs.
We strongly urge that you obtain an i.d. tag to be attached to your dog’s collar. We also offer more permanent identification with the Home Again Microchip. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and is inserted underneath the skin. The i.d number and owner information is then registered with the AKC. If a pet is lost and recovered, the number can be read by any agency or veterinarian who has a chip scanner and the owner can then be traced.
Recommended at 5 months of age for all dogs not used for breeding.