How It Works

A laser is an intense beam of light, which is focused to be precisely controlled and replaces the traditional scalpel blade. The laser energy instantly vaporizes the water found inside the tissues, allowing it to “cut” or essentually removes an extremely small area of tissue. The energy seals nerve endings and blood vessels as it moves through the tissue, resulting in less bleeding, less swelling and virtually no trauma to the surrounding tissue.

The Benefits

Less Pain– The laser seals nerve endings as it moves through the tissue. Your pet will feel less pain after surgery with the usage of a surgical laser.

Less Bleeding– The laser seals small blood vessels during surgery, resulting in less bleeding and quicker procedures. This results in less anestesia time for you pet.

Less Tissue Swelling– With laser technology, only light comes into contact with the tissue and adding the sealing of the lymphatic vessels leads to less swelling after the surgery. With less swelling comes less discomfort after the surgery.

Extreme Precision– The laser enables the veterinary surgeon to only affect or remove the target tissue, leaving the healthy surrounding tissue untouched.

Reduced Risk of Infection– The high heat of the laser energy kills bacteria and microorganisms as it moves through diseased areas, reducing the chance of infection. Also, due to the fact that only light touches the patient and not a scalpel there is less chance of contamination.

Quicker Recovery– For all the above reasons, your pet will feel less pain, experience less discomfort and return to normal activities sooner with the usage of a surgical laser.

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Interesting Facts About Lasers and Laser Surgery

Albert Einstein first described the concepy of a laser in 1917 and gave it it’s name which is an acronym (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

Surgical and therapeutic use of lasers for human medicine began in the 1960’s

Veterinary medicine began introducing lasers for use in the 1980’s

Laser lights can be focused for varies widths and can be focused to cut as thin as the thinnest scalpel blade.

Carter County Animal Hospital utilizes a 20 watts CO2 laser for all of it’s non-elective surgeries and most of the elective surgeries, as well, to better serve and treat our patients.

Laser Surgery Applications

  • Spays and Neuters
  • Feline Declaws
  • Anal Saculectomy
  • Removing Lumps and Bumps
  • Dewclaw Removals
  • Oral Surgeries Like- Epulis Removals and Gingival Hyperplasia
  • Stenotic Nares Surgery
  • Soft Palate Resection
  • Entropion
  • Tail Docks

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (580) 226-1001.